For World Stroke Day 2023, This years campaign is focused on stroke prevention.
Preventative measures include: getting your blood pressure checked, having a health check, getting support to quit smoking and doing what you can to eat healthier and increase physical activity.
The mentioned measures are a fantastic way of not only preventing stroke but improving your overall health. However, there can be times that medical emergency can strike regardless of the preventative measures that are taken.
Because of this, we want to share some helpful tips on how you can spot a stroke, whether it’s at home or in work.
F-ace: Has there face fallen on one side? Can they smile?
A-rms: Can they raise both[AM1] arms and keep them there? Is one weaker than the other?
S-peech: Is there speech slurred, mumbled or incoherent? Can they understand anything you are saying to them?
T-ime: Call 999 immediately if you see any of these signs.
If you remember to act F.A.S.T, then you could save a life!
If you’d like to learn more about what the World Stroke Organisation do, or about World Stroke Day 2023, find out more here: