Health Care staff

Our Mission

Nursing & Caring Direct is dedicated to:

• Providing each Service User with the agreed support to enable them to live in their own homes.

• Recognising people as individuals, and endeavouring to work with them to realise their individuality and take as much control of their own lives, environment and support as possible.

• Working with Service Users and their families in enabling them to meet the responsibilities additional control brings.

• Working with Service Users in maintaining skills and developing new ones.

• Facilitating Service Users to develop an active work and social life and working toward what they feel is a desirable future.

• Respecting the fact that we work in Service User’s houses we will strive to work with them to promote as safe an environment as possible.

• Ensuring staff are well trained, consistent, non-judgmental, approachable, and are well supported by Managers and Supervisors.

Nursing & Caring Directs Admission & Assessment Process:

• Receiving support from Nursing & Caring Direct will take place after a thorough assessment.

• This will include written information and relevant reports from the placing authority and all other relevant professionals.

• Visits by Nursing & Caring Direct staff to the person’s home and discussions with their family/representatives.

• At the end of the assessment process the level of support, the times it will be provided, what specific tasks will be undertaken and where support will take place will be agreed.

• This will be noted on the contract, which must be agreed and signed before the service can begin.

• It is not our normal practice to begin services on an emergency basis. However, such placements will be considered on receipt of all relevant paperwork and subject to the Service Users needs being compatible with the service provided by Nursing & Caring Direct.